Now that we have rung in the New Year it’s time to scratch off some of your New Year to do’s. One terrific New Year task to complete is to draft and execute a Power of Attorney. Power of attorney forms allow you to appoint another to act on your behalf in regards to your finances. You can get a Minnesota power of attorney by following this link or a Wisconsin power of attorney by following this link In the event you become unable to manage your financial affairs and you don’t have a power of attorney in place, someone will likely need to start a guardianship action which could be expensive and cumbersome. A power of attorney form is a quick and easy way to avoid having to get the court involved.
And if you have bigger goals for the New Year and are considering a divorce here is a good link for Minnesota,, and one for Wisconsin,
If any of this seems too overwhelming, or you just want a second set of eyes (which I always recommend!), call Borman Law Firm today.
Happy New Year! Yay for 2021!
Borman Law Firm, LLC (“BLF”) provides this blog for informational purposes only. The information is not to be construed as legal advice. Viewing the material via the blog, or contacting us via the website, does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Communication with BLF via this website or via email is not protected by the attorney-client relationship. We will not provide legal advice over the internet. If you are interested in having BLF represent you, you should call us to determine if your matter is one in which we are willing or able to represent you.